
Improve Your Life With Chiropractic Care

Atlas Health Clinic Palmdale specializes in providing chiropractic care for individuals suffering from personal, sports and work injuries. Athletes, laborers, busy parents and others can benefit from chiropractic care, too.

When your body is in proper alignment, you'll feel better and lower your risk for injuries.

Our Techniques

Different techniques range from low to higher force to address different pains and injuries. Dr. Yang's techniques include Activator, Thompson Drop Table, SOT, Diversified, Gonstead and knee chest upper cervical and toggle upper cervical adjustments.

Personalized Treatments

Treatments are tailored to your individual needs and comfort levels and can include

- Back, leg and arm pain
- Sciatica
- Herniated and bulging discs
- Tingling and numbness
- Spinal stenosis
- Failed low-back syndrome

Consider Physiotherapy, too

Physiotherapy used in conjunction with chiropractic care can be beneficial. Enjoy more pain relief with massage, percussion, electronic stimulation, infrared, ultrasound and diathermy. Ask about cyro/heat, trigger point and soft tissue therapy.
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